Understanding the Cost Structure and Pricing Mechanisms in SAP Business One

SAP Business One Price

SAP Business One provides a comprehensive suite of tools designed to help small businesses manage their operations efficiently. Among these features, understanding the pricing mechanisms within the software plays a critical role in optimizing its use. In this article, we delve into the intricacies of pricing in SAP Business One Price, addressing common challenges and exploring best practices for managing your organization’s finances effectively.

Pricing Mechanisms in SAP Business One:

At its core, SAP Business One offers two main pricing models: Internal Pricing and External Pricing. The choice between them depends on the specific needs of your business and how you wish to manage costs.

Internal Pricing:

Internal Pricing refers to the process of setting prices for products or services internally, without considering market trends or competitors’ offerings. To implement this model, you first need to configure the pricing settings within SAP Business One. Once configured, the system calculates prices based on predefined rules, taking into account factors such as cost, margin, and desired markup.

External Pricing:

Conversely, External Pricing involves determining product or service prices based on market dynamics and competition. With SAP Business One, you can connect to external systems or databases containing real-time pricing information, enabling dynamic adjustments to your selling prices. This approach ensures that your offering remains competitive while maximizing profits.

Managing Pricing Settings:

To ensure accurate pricing calculations, SAP Business One allows for customization of pricing settings at both the global and individual document levels. At the global level, you can establish default pricing procedures, including base prices, discounts, and surcharges. For specific documents such as sales quotes or invoices, you can override these settings to accommodate unique pricing requirements.

Deactivating External Pricing:

If your business model relies solely on Internal Pricing, it’s essential to ensure that the option for External Pricing is appropriately disabled within SAP Business One. This process involves unscoping the External Pricing feature from Sales Quotes. However, even after disabling this setting, some users may still encounter the Request External Pricing button in their Sales Quote documents. To resolve this issue, follow the steps outlined in the relevant SAP Knowledge Base Article to deactivate the external pricing functionality entirely.


Understanding the cost structure and pricing mechanisms within SAP Business One empowers businesses to manage finances more effectively, ensuring accurate pricing calculations and maximizing profits. By familiarizing yourself with internal and external pricing models, managing pricing settings, and addressing potential issues related to accessibility, you can optimize your use of SAP Business One to support your organization’s growth and success.